Friends of Okemah


The Okemah Community Historical Foundation depends on members of the community like you to support the continued perseverance of Okemah’s rich culture and history. While the place that was once a thriving enclave inhabited mostly by Black Americans no longer exists, it’s important to remember and honor the lives of the people who made it their home.

As a Friend of Okemah, you can help us continue to keep Okemah’s history alive and vibrant. One way to assist is to make a charitable donation to the organization. Donations are used to help us put on events or activities, support organization administration needs, provide scholarships, and invigorate specific programs of personal interest. 

Another way you can help as a Friend of Okemah is to participate in Okemah-specific community events, offer Okemah background information via word-of-mouth and hand-outs at community gatherings, or provide office assistance. You will be contacted to serve on a sporadic basis, depending on your specific interests. 

Click Here to download and print the Okemah Donation form.

Click Here to download and print the Okemah Support form.

If you have questions, please call us at (480) 720-5682 or leave an online inquiry at: info@okemahcommunity.com